Powering Up Your Productivity: Managing Your Energy

Many people believe that productivity is all about time management, but I think that’s just a small factor. So don’t get discouraged if you already read many books or listened to lots of podcast on time management but still couldn’t get as much done as you hoped. The truth is not every minute is equal.

If you’re eating well and sleeping enough, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and energized. Therefore, the first few hours after waking up are the most productive ones for most people. As the day goes by, your energy level typically falls in the later afternoon and evening.

I personally start work at 8am, but to take advantage of my peak energy level, I wake up at 5 am and spend three hours creating before getting ready for work. It may sound difficult, especially if you’re used to being a night owl like how I used to be, but once you get into the habit, you’ll find it much easier! And remember, you don’t have to wake up that early everyday. As long as you are consistent on most of the days, you can achieve so many things!

Here’s an extra tip to help you manage your energy level and avoid distractions. If you are like me, tend to mindlessly scroll down the social media first thing in the morning, consider getting an old-fashioned alarm clock and leaving your phone in another room. This will help you get rid of the habit of spending too much time on unnecessary things in the morning. For more tips on changing habits, I recommend checking out “Atomic Habits” by James Clear.

Overall, by managing your energy level and making the most of your peak productivity times, you can accomplish more and feel more fulfilled in your daily life!

Happy creating!



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